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    Student Saving Account is designed specially designed for teenagers, youth people and students.


    Product Name

    Student Saving Account

    Primary Target Market

    Students from schools and colleges

    Minimum Balance

    NPR 100 /-

    Interest rate

    As per Published rate by the Bank from time to time

    KS iMobile 

    As per STC

    Debit Card

    Free for first year and as per STC thereafter

    Locker Charge

    As per STC

    Locker Security Deposit

    As per STC


    As per STC

    Mero Share

    As per STC

    Interest Calculation

    Interest Calculation on daily basis and payable on quarterly basis

    Required Documents

    • Citizenship or Birth Certificate in case of minor.
    • Valid Student ID or confirmation from school or college

    Additional Document: Valid Student ID or confirmation from school or college to be obtained to open this account. In case of student being minor, account is to be operated by guardian until the student reaches the age of Majority i.e. 18 years of age.